What if we woke up every morning & remembered that this day won’t ever come again.
Imagine the things that would matter, the things we would be grateful for, the things that would light us up. Imagine the things we would say ‘yes’ to and the things we would say ‘hell no’ to. Imagine the wonder, the beauty and the adventure.
I don’t think we would spend our time worried about the size of our clothes, cellulite, ‘bouncing back’, self judgement, comparison or perfection – I think we’d be kinder to ourselves.
I think we’d aim for health and strength so we could live our lives well. I think we would fight to love ourselves with reckless abandon so we were brave enough to embrace each moment, each adventure and each opportunity with confidence & joy – no holding back, no hiding.
It seems that this is a good day to start the daily practice of loving ourselves without boundaries, we won’t get this day again, let’s not waste it.