When we think about the words we casually fling around about ourselves, I think it’s important to know that those words stick. They stick to us, to our minds and our bodies, they stick. If we use them enough, we will internalise them, believe them and then, they will impact the way we view the world & show up in it. That’s important. It’s important because when we use language that is unkind, the words turn into stories that hold us back from living into who we are meant to be.
Catching the thoughts & words that are unkind can be tough to begin with. We’re used to saying them, they become our normal. Here are a few examples of things to look out for:
“I’m hopeless” – you’re actually not. “I’m disgusting” – that’s untrue. “I can’t even do that right” – you’re forgetting the cool things you do well. “I could never do that” – what about the power we have to learn, overcome fears and grow? I get this, I do it too. Or, what about the comments masked as a joke. Like when we talk about our ‘muffin top’, ’tuckshop arms’ or ‘hail damaged thighs.’ Seriously though, have you ever felt good when you have said that about yourself (or someone else?). We objectify our bodies in such a way that makes us forget about the amazing things we get to do in them. Not to mention further conditioning ourselves to feel shame about our appearance instead of reminding ourselves that our bodies are inherently good and undeserving of such unkind words in the first place. I know that this is actually harder than it sounds, I am practicing this too, but what if we were brave enough to demand only beautiful, bold & kind words for ourselves? Imagine the memories we would make, the impact we would have and the joy we would experience if the words sticking to us were full of life.