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Words can help you dream wildly or put you in a funk

Thoughts for the week ahead…

It’s a good time to change our self talk to something that lifts us rather than drags us down.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat at the end of a day and said: I didn’t get that done I should be doing that I can’t believe I can’t even get to this I always forget things I’m so bad at… I’m lazy… But what’s missing here?

– Acknowledgement of all the things I did get done. – All the things I am good at. – All the tasks I did for someone else. – How big the mental load is. – How much love I got to share. – The cuddles given & the bums wiped. – The impact I may have had on someone’s life. – The life that WAS lived on that day.

The thing is, I hear from women all the time that ‘they’ve just been lazy.’

I believe most women are a whole lot of things and lazy is NOT one of them.

We are working and parenting and studying and running businesses. We’re partners and friends and daughters. We are doing our very best everyday. And sometimes we simply forget to remember ourselves in amongst it all.

That doesn’t make us lazy. And telling ourselves that isn’t empowering for us at all – at least it isn’t for me.

I mean, do those words lift you to a place where you want to make space, to dream wildly, to explore new ideas, to play and to discover new parts of yourself? Nope it puts me in a funk.

So, what shall we do with this?

Spend some time in the evening high-fiving ourselves for the things we did that day.

Make a note of the beautiful things that happened.

Write a plan for the next day that includes something for ourselves.

Remember, if your house is messy and you have piles of washing. That’s the case in millions of houses.

Let’s stop describing ourselves as lazy. Especially if we get to take a little rest, rest is good for us.

What do you think?

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