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The gift of choice

If there is one thing we do for ourselves (and our families) during this season, maybe we could make it this.

To remember that we get to choose to sink into the parts of it that bring goodness to our minds, bodies, relationships and experiences.

To remember that, like any other season, we have agency over what is important to us and how we experience things.

And to remember that we get to allow all the other noise that tells us to be busy or hurried or stressed to pass us by without gripping onto us and dragging us along with it.

Maybe by holding the Christmas season lightly, we can re-imagine what it looks like & feels like for us. It will come and it will go and I would love my memory of it to have such a deep sense of joy and peace that it continues to echo it's beauty into the new year. I get to choose that.

I’d love to know, how do you want this season to feel for you?

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