“The mama is the linchpin of the ecosystem that is the family – that’s why it’s so important to take care of ourselves.”
Today, I had a minor teary meltdown in the middle of the lounge room, the mental load of mothering and adulting had got to me in that moment. I’m sure you know those days & those times. My lovely hubs sent me to the beach for some time out. I needed to be grounded in nature and sit with space. He could see it.
It got me thinking though, if I hadn’t incorporated self care in other areas over the last week, that meltdown may have been bigger (probably much bigger). Self care to me is a bunch of small things that bring me joy.
It’s finding a way to move my body It’s going to my psychologist appointment It’s saying no when I need to It’s being honest with how I’m feeling It’s having a cup of tea It’s taking 20 seconds to stand in the bathroom and put moisturiser on my face with my eyes closed. It’s allowing tears to flow It’s meditating, journalling & dreaming IIt’s speaking up and verbalising what I need It’s taking a few deep breaths It’s being kind with myself when I do have a meltdown or raise my voice. It’s walking on the beach And sometimes it’s simply putting the tele on for my 3 year old.
I know it can sound like a very ‘on trend’ thing to talk about at the moment but hopefully by talking about it, it will become a very normal part of our day, because let’s be honest, we need it for our own health & the health of our families.
I’d love to hear your self care practices, maybe your practice is just the idea another mama needs to help her out. So, let’s do it, share below. a) one self care practice you use when the kids are around. b) one practice you incorporate when you get some time to yourself.