I see you, taking deep breaths trying to stay calm. I see you, working your butt off during nap time or ‘allowing’ yourself 5 seconds to sink into the couch for a rest.
I see you, crying in the shower. I see you, stressing about arriving late because your kid needed a nappy change just as you were leaving the house. I see you, trying to make space for your partner & working hard to keep your connection strong.
I see you, wondering how much more you can give to others & asking when your energy will come back. I see you, stressing about finances & work. I see you, hiding the anxiety you feel about all the decisions you now have to make. I see you, working towards your goals, managing your time & putting in the effort to achieve them. I see you, doing your very best. Every. Single. Day I see you, extending yourself beyond what you ever thought was possible. I see you, being strong & courageous & full of beauty. I see you, raising amazing children who know they are so loved. I see you, showing up. I see you, being a great friend, daughter, sister, partner & mama – loved and valued by everyone in your life. I see you, exceeding your own expectations and forgetting to own how damn awesome you are. I see you Mama, but do you see yourself? You’re an absolute legend!