Repeat after me...
"I was not put on this planet to spend my life wishing, obsessing & striving for a different body. That's not my purpose, I'm here for SO👏 MUCH 👏 MORE 👏."
It's something I say to myself on hard body image days. It's something I share with my clients who have forgotten that to move, to eat, to dream, to create and to live can be done with freedom and space rather than under a dark heavy cloud that drips unkind words & thoughts about our bodies all over us.
Bodies change, they just do.
Bodies are also very different.
They respond uniquely depending on the season we are in. They help us know if something isn't quiet right, they celebrate with us and they stand with us in all our traumas & triumphs.
If our only metric for being "good enough" is the size or shape of our body, our worthiness is on shaky ground. But knowing we are good, worthy, strong and fierce regardless of what our body looks like - well that's a solid foundation to stand on, that's where life is.
So here is your reminder, truly living into WHO YOU ARE has nothing to do with the size or shape of your body.
Much love
Renee x
Ps. Your goals are 100% for you to choose and I am here for them all 🙌. I support you. I also recommend you aim for goals that truly feel good for you, that empower you and that bring freedom and joy. 😘