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Have you met yourself lately?

Have you met yourself lately? As Mums it can be hard to meet ourselves in different seasons. Glennon Doyle Quote: "I have met myself and I'm going to care for her fiercely"

I wonder if the exhaustion, the overwhelm, the busyness, the caring for everyone else that leads to burnout can cloud our awareness that we haven't really met ourselves in this season.

We don't know how to take care of ourselves because we don't know what we need.

Motherhood can be an epic journey of meeting ourselves again which can be confronting and it can also be a really beautiful experience.

There are a few ways we can do this:

- We can journal - Allow ourselves to notice, process, & move things from our head to paper so we have space in our brains for things like dreaming.

- Get into our bodies - we can spend so much time outside of ourselves (& in our head) that getting back into our bodies can give us some beautiful insight into how things are feeling, what we enjoy doing and simply being present. Movement, medidation & breathwork is amazing for this.

- We can gather support: talk to a therapist, hire a coach, ask for social support (friends/family), build our social connections with other Mum's.

I know some of these are easier said than done, I know we all have different situations and I know this can feel like another thing to add to your list AND ALSO, I wonder how well everything goes when you are not a priority? How do you feel? Is it helpful for you?

My hope for us is to know ourselves well so we can care for her fiercely.

P.s Remember Summer Spark! is starting on January 2, find out more here.

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