Mum's are classed as a 'special population' within the fitness industry, did you know that? Honestly, I'd say we're a special population in every industry but I digress. The thing that makes us a special population (in this instance) is that our bodies change and adapt and emerge depending on the season we're in - which is incredible.
I mean apart from being epic humans which also makes us pretty special, there are actually lots of considerations that can and should be considered when we exercise, especially if we're returning from exercise after having a baby (whether that was 10 weeks or 10 years ago.)
So what are some of the things this Pre & Postnatal Personal Trainer (that's me) considers when creating workouts & spaces just for Mum's?
Every Body is different.
We hear it all the time, we're all unique. But do we actually live like we are unique and celebrate that rather than use it as a negative comparison trap? We all look different, have different time availability, different birth stories, different children, different life experiences. Our bodies & our experiences are different. So what does that mean in regards to exercise?
It means that different exercise options, intensities and frequencies may be required for each Mum so that exercise is supportive and helpful. It means that the group session you're showing up to will be tailored to your unique experience. For example: If you have pelvic pain, back pain, knee pain, abdominal separation or pelvic floor considerations - the workout can and will be adapted in way that both keeps you moving, helps with your rehab and gets you stronger.
Mum's don't have to suck it up and push through "just because" anymore, there's a better (and more effective) option.
Our life outside of exercise matters.
Traditionally, we have been taught to workout as hard as we can as many times a week as we can for as long as we can. This doesn't really consider factors about life that might impact our ability to express our fitness or actually use it as a tool to support our life.
We call these factors the physiological load. A physiological load of a woman includes elements such as stress, nutrition, sleep, incidental exercise, mental health, body image & self efficacy. If these things aren't considered in taking care of Mum's we run the risk of burning out or dropping out and that, in the long term, is not helpful for us at all.
So, we start with a check-in each day to understand where we're at and how we might choose to exercise for any given session.
Mum's are built for connection (We all are.)
Social connection is a huge contributor to our overall health. I can't tell you how many times a Mama has come along to a session and simply needed a chat, a cry, a laugh or another adult conversation. When things are feeling tough, we can start to think it's just easier to stay at home and bunker down alone. What we might actually need is the opposite. That's why it's so important to find spaces where we can be ourselves, show up as we need to and feel supported.
Mum's knowing themselves important.
Becoming a Mother is a huge transition, not only is it a time of learning how we want to mother and take care of another human, it's also a time that pushes us towards a new version of ourselves. Learning about who we want to be and gifting ourselves the opportunity to discover that person is truly important through this process. Getting to know a different version of our body, learning more about how our body works & functions, potentially choosing different values & goals is all why Mum's specific fitness spaces that support Mama's through these transitions are important.
Know. Trust. Love yourself.
Ultimately, wherever & however you choose to exercise. I encourage you to choose spaces that lead you towards yourself with kindness and compassion. Choose something that lifts you and supports you and of course, something that is good for you, your body & your soul.
Mama Movement, done differently.