I’ve been taking care of some personal stuff recently and making hard choices that will hopefully leave me feeling a little less overwhelmed.
Not sure about you but overwhelm is not a feeling I want to carry around with me. So, with some beautiful big support from my husband, a few tears & deep breaths I remembered that I have the ability to choose what I hold & what to put down.
Things seem easy when I say it like that but truthfully, it can be tricky & hard when we decide to untangle ourselves from some things (like our expectations of ourselves) and take the risk to back ourselves for other things.
The last couple of years have been a lot for lots of people, the more people I speak with, the more I sense this feeling of general tiredness & overwhelm.
It’s funny when you feel overwhelmed, it can feel hard to know what the right or best choice is. All the things can pile on top of each other and can paralyze us from making choices. So, here is your reminder Mama that we have choices, sometimes they can feel scary & sometimes it feels easier not to make a choice – but, as you know, that in itself is a choice to stay right where you are.
So if you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, maybe take some time to write down all the things that you’re holding.
If you were to put something down, would that help? If you were to delegate something, would that help? If you were to decide to make a new choice and hold the outcome as loosely as you can, would that help give you some air back? Would it take the knot from your stomach? Would you be able to sit and be?
It could be tiny, it could be huge but I really feel that figuring this out is a gift a lot of us need right now. I’m still figuring it out, like probably at the beginning (ish) stage but here’s to making brave choices, I’m right there with you doing my best to do the same.