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20 minutes of movement

When we move, our bodies & our minds THRIVE! Movement is for everyone and every type of body. Sometimes we forget to make space for it, but it’s truly worth making the time for. I’ve included a quick 20 minute workout below. Give it a go and let me know what you think.*

6 Minute AMRAP rounds (set your timer and do as many rounds as you can in 6 minutes, then rest for 1 minute and move on to the next round.)

Round 1 6 x Walkout push up rotation 12 x Squat to curtsy lunge 40 x Mountain climbers Rest 1 minute Round 2 20 x Frogger hip thrusts (add weight if you like) 12 x Knee to stand get ups 20 x Crab toe touch Rest 1 minute Round 3 10 x Burpee with row 12 x Sumo Squat Pulse (3 pulses at the bottom per rep) 10 x Walking Lunges You’re welcome Let me know what you think!

*This is general advice only. Please seek medical advice and clearance prior to participating in any exercise. If you are postpartum, ensure you have seen your doctor for your 6 week check up and been to a women’s health physio for a check up prior to exercising. If you have abdominal separation or pelvic floor dysfunction, this workout will need to be modified to be appropriate for you.

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